Caring Adults ‘R’ Everywhere (CARE): A Natural Mentoring Intervention for Older Youth in Foster Care

(Book) Caring Adults R Everywhere (C.A.R.E.) is a research-informed, social justice-oriented social support intervention for older youth in foster care that utilizes the power of connection to caring adults through natural mentoring. The goal of this manual is to provide child welfare organizations with the vision and practical tools needed to facilitate and support the development of growth-fostering relationships between…

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(2019) Supporting Older Youth Beyond Age 18: Examining Data and Trends in Extended Foster Care

With the support of the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, Child Trends examined the relationship between extended foster care and young adult outcomes. Specifically, we analyzed information on foster care history (e.g., age of entry, exit reason, placement type), young adult outcomes ( e.g., homelessness, employment), and independent living services (e.g., educational aid).

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(2015) Charting the Course: Using Data to Support Foster Youth College Success

The data presented include key metrics of progress categorized primarily by the type of institution supplying the information, i.e., community college or four-year university, and then by the milestones which guide the CCP approach: Are foster youth EQUIPPED with essential resources to succeed and ENROLLED in a college or training program? Have they EARNED a college degree and/or certificate? Future…

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(2019) Pipeline to Success: Supporting California Foster Youth from High School to Community College

The findings in Accelerating Success and Charting the Course built on existing research that illustrates the educational achievement gap between foster youth and non-foster youth and some of the causes for this gap. The following report augments these previous studies and aims to answer key questions related to foster youth transitions from high school to community college.

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