Valley Youth House – Adolescents Achieving Independence (AAI)

AAI provides out-client assistance to current or recently released foster care youth. The following are services provided: Liaison between youth and school/college, referral to job training programs, assistance in locating permanent housing, weekly individual life skills counseling, events focusing on life skills development, ongoing life skills development groups.

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Valley Youth House – Supervised Independent Living (SIL)

Program provides supervised housing/residential transitional living services, including single scattered site apartments, life skills, & individual therapy. SIL supports youth in finding an apartment, signing a lease, and obtaining services such as utilities. Funding is provided for monthly rent, utilities, transportation, and groceries. Funding is provided on a step down basis.

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Tabor Aging Out Independence Program

The program assists young adults with behavioral health needs in preparing to transition to adulthood. Program supports and services build on the strengths of the individuals and promote their success in becoming more independent. These services include case management, activities in life skills education groups and limited housing support.

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YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School

YouthBuild Philly is a second-chance program where out of school youth can earn their high school diploma, learn a trade, and prepare for college and careers. We offer counseling, case management, leadership and community service opportunities, and post-diploma supports.

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Holy Family Institute

Holy Family helps thousands of disadvantaged children by giving them the supportive environment they need, through services such as therapeutic counseling, drug and alcohol support, in-home services, and education. Holy Family works with children and families in Allegheny, Armstrong, and Indiana Counties in Southwestern PA.

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Pennsylvania Chafee Education and Training Grant

The PA Chafee Education and Training Grant Program provides grants to PA undergraduate students who are aging out of foster care and are attending a post-secondary institution approved for Federal Title IV student financial assistance programs. No award may exceed the student’s cost of attendance minus other financial aid the student is receiving.

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The Monkey & The Elephant

As a non-profit coffee shop, our mission is to fortify former foster youth with personal and professional skills, employment and the supportive community needed to lead a sustainable independent lifestyle. Through 3 core program components – employment, case management and programmatic exercises – we emphasize relationship building to create a foundation of support for the youth in our program.

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