Our Transitional Living Program was launched the summer of 2017 by our partnership with Monroe Harding, a local foster agency, hosting a camp/retreat for those youth preparing to age of our DCS custody and those currently in EFC (Extension of Foster Care).
Assists at-risk and aging-out foster-care youth (18-26) to transition to and sustain, connected independence. We provide emergency and start-up assistance, case management, life skills training, and connection programs to long term sponsors and mentors.
Using data from the Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth, a longitudinal study of youths aging out of foster care in 3 Midwestern states, and a bounds approach, we estimated the cumulative percentage of youths who become homeless during the transition to adulthood. We also estimated a discrete time hazard model that predicted first reported episode…
This study provides a better understanding of the housing trajectories of young adults who exit foster care and residential programs for homeless young adults, including emergency shelters and transitional living programs. Using administrative data to follow a cohort of young adults, this study documents which housing resources are used by youth and assesses which youth may be suited for supportive housing or other specific housing resources.
Trinity House is a group home for young men ages 14-21 with a focus on teaching and enhancing independent living skills and fostering resilience.
Good Shepherd Services provides superior residential programming for adolescents and young adults in various locations. We provide safe, nurturing environments that promote trusting and caring relationships, and set high expectations while providing our residents with the supports, services and opportunities they need for a successful future.
Impact Living Services (ILS) provides comprehensive supportive services for foster youth 17-21 years of age. ILS has apartments in Lynchburg, Roanoke, and Harrisonburg. ILS promotes interdependence as a core belief in helping youth achieve their educational, vocational and financial goals. Interdependence is an idea of “mutual dependence between things” (i.e., community, friends, staff, DSS and counselors).
Bridge Meadows partnered with New Avenues for Youth to create a supportive housing facility for youth, ages 17-24, who are aging out of foster care. Dorothy Lemelson House is a crucial stepping stone for these young people, providing them with the tools and support they need to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency. Dorothy Lemelson House offers a safe and comforting place to…
Turning Point is a transitional living program that will provide housing for up to 18 months in addition to case management services during and after residency with the goal of productivity (which is defined as working on mental health, employment, and/or educational goals).
Refuge Waco seeks to provide innovative solutions to current gaps in the foster care system by addressing the immediate needs of at-risk youth through mentorship, housing, education, and awareness.