TAY-YES is a transitional employment program for current or foster youth. Program participants gain valuable work experience and earn wages through their job placement at a non-profit community based organization. In conjunction with subsidized employment placement, participants receive onsite GED/high school diploma instruction with Five Keys Charter School, job readiness classes and supportive services. Case managers work closely with participants to…
Our mission is to protect the rights of children in poverty and those overcoming abuse and neglect. By delivering free legal services, supportive programs that create pathways to education and jobs, advocacy, and systemic solutions, the Alliance levels the playing field and ensures that children who experience foster care are able to fulfill their potential.
This analysis examined California county birth rate variations among girls in foster care. The objective was to generate data to assess potential intervention points tied to federal legislation extending foster care beyond age 18 years. (Journal of Adolescent Health)
The aim of the study was to document mental health service use (counseling and medication) among youth in foster care, examine how prepared they feel to manage their mental health, and investigate predictors of service use and preparedness. (Journal of Adolescent Health)
A partnership between LA Department of Children and Family Services, Youth Services Division, LA Opportunity Youth Network, the Bay Area TAY AmeriCorps Collaborative of TAY-serving organizations, iFoster, and CaliforniaVolunteers, TAY AmeriCorps will deploy up to 150 trained current and former foster youth (ages 18-23) a year as stipended AmeriCorps service members to partner agencies across the county to augment their…
Tipping Point’s Better Futures for Foster Youth initiative provides a path out of poverty and weaves a robust safety net for all transition-aged foster youth in our community. It aims to change policy and systems to help secure stable housing, pursue and persist in higher education, and get better access to the supports and services these youth deserve.
The data presented include key metrics of progress categorized primarily by the type of institution supplying the information, i.e., community college or four-year university, and then by the milestones which guide the CCP approach: Are foster youth EQUIPPED with essential resources to succeed and ENROLLED in a college or training program? Have they EARNED a college degree and/or certificate? Future…
This report serves as a foundation for understanding institutional structures, policies, and practices that can support improved educational outcomes for foster youth.
(2019) Pipeline to Success: Supporting California Foster Youth from High School to Community College
The findings in Accelerating Success and Charting the Course built on existing research that illustrates the educational achievement gap between foster youth and non-foster youth and some of the causes for this gap. The following report augments these previous studies and aims to answer key questions related to foster youth transitions from high school to community college.
Operation Independence is a comprehensive program that provides foster youth 15-24 years of age with the support and training that is necessary to become independent and successful adults. Whether in foster care, group homes, transitional housing or living on their own, Operation Independence creates a personal relationship-based plan designed for each young adult’s specific needs.