(2017) Foster Youth Aging Out of Foster Care and Their Relationships with Caregivers

Qualitative methods were used to conduct in-depth interviews with 5 foster youth who aged out of the foster care system in the past 5-7 years. Foster youth described having supportive and unsupportive relationships with foster parents, house parents, kinship guardians, and caseworkers. Other areas that were discussed included: extended foster care placement, independent living, and the aftercare program.

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Casey Family Programs

Casey Family Programs works to safely reduce the need for foster care and build Communities of Hope for children and families across America. Our mission is to provide and improve — and ultimately prevent the need for — foster care. We offer an extensive library of child welfare research, best practices and policy tools, including a selection of resources on…

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(2016) Opportunities in Transition: An Economic Analysis of Investing in Youth Aging Out of Foster Care: Report 3 of 3

The first two phases of this Opportunities in Transition study document and estimate the costs of the adverse educational, economic, social and wellness outcomes for youth aging out of care. The purpose of this third and final phase is to estimate the incremental costs of support measures that can improve outcomes and to compare these costs to the benefits they may generate.

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(2016) Opportunities in Transition: An Economic Analysis of Investing in Youth Aging Out of Foster Care: Report 2 of 3

The adverse educational, economic, social and wellness outcomes for youth aging out of care identified in the first phase of this Fostering Change Economic Analysis Project impose significant costs for the youth themselves, government (taxpayers), and society as a whole. The purpose of this second phase report is to describe and, to the extent possible, provide estimates of the magnitude of these costs.

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iFoster is an online resource portal for anyone living outside of their biological home, their caregivers, and organizations that serve them.

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