Sunshine Acres Children’s Home

Sunshine Acres provides for the emotional, social, physical, educational and spiritual support for the young adults; enabling them to learn to manage their own affairs while maximizing the development of their potential, abilities and interests and learning to function within a community in a style that is both meaningful and purposeful to himself and the community.

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Journey Into Adulthood

A mentorship program that assists foster youth who are aging out of the foster care system transition successfully. We pair a caring adult to help guide and direct young person in the right direction as they get ready to transition out of care.

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Dream Center of Southeast Texas

The Dream Center serves as a resource center focused on providing support to those affected by homelessness, hunger, addictions, lack of education and disaster relief through residential and community outreach programs. In efforts to provide opportunities for people to rebuild and transform their lives, the Dream Center offers the tools, education, community, and support through various programs available, all free of…

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All Things New Inc.

ATNI Offers the help and guidance needed to support and nurture the full growth, maturity, and successful transition of individuals ages 17 years of age up to their 22nd birthday transitioning/aging out from the NC foster care system. Providing assistance with social support, financial support, quality preparedness with life skills, and housing resources.

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YouthCare builds confidence and self-sufficiency for homeless youth by providing a continuum of care that includes outreach, basic services, emergency shelter, housing, counseling, education, and employment training.

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YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School

YouthBuild Philly is a second-chance program where out of school youth can earn their high school diploma, learn a trade, and prepare for college and careers. We offer counseling, case management, leadership and community service opportunities, and post-diploma supports.

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There are over 20,000 youth that age-out of foster care every year. All aging out youth face adversities, lack of education and homelessness. JEMfriends supports youth aging-out of foster care with housing, education, employment, transportation, mentoring and life skills.

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