Father Maloney’s Boys and Girls Haven

Boys & Girls Haven Transitional Living programs serve young people from 18 to 21 years old who are preparing to age out of foster care. We offer structured, dorm-style housing in our Pre-Independent Living program and scattered site apartments in our full-fledged Independent Living program.

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Youth Opportunities Unlimited

The Children’s Aid Society (CAS) of London Middlesex has identified an urgent need for housing for youth over the age of 16 aging out of care. Through partnership with CAS, YOU is able to offer supportive, transitional housing to these youth.

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Chambliss Center for Children

We are licensed as a Child Placing Agency, which allows us to serve children and youth who have been removed from their families and placed in the custody of the State of Tennessee due to abuse, abandonment, or neglect. The agency also has a Transitional Living Program, which provides stable housing and case management for youth who have aged out of…

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Beyond Emancipation

Since our inception in 1995, we have grown from a small auxiliary of the County’s Independent Living Skills Program to an independent nonprofit organization serving nearly 1,000 youth each year. B:E provides a range of supportive programs designed to help former foster and probation youth overcome their challenges, mitigate risks, and make healthy, successful transitions to adulthood and independent living.

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Abbott House – Bridges Independent Living

The Bridges Independent Living Program is made up of four independent living apartments expanded in Mitchell and Rapid City.  As boys and girls “age out” of foster care and transition to adulthood, these are a great option for children who still need support as they build their own lives.   The program is tailored to help young adults fine-tune their living…

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Christian Alliance for Orphans – Aging Out Initiative

As older orphans and foster children age out of care, the trends are heart breaking: homelessness, substance abuse, trafficking, crime and incarceration await many who lack adequate support networks. We believe the Church is called to step into that gap, opening doors to promising futures for these children through holistic life transition programs including: Life Skills Training, Spiritual Care and…

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Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch Alumni Support

This lifelong commitment to our alumni provides the support they need to take on any new challenge. Like any young adult in a traditional family, our alumni can more effectively thrive if we remain available to provide safety-net services and other limited support as needed to help them begin their new, independent lives.

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Buckeye Ranch Transitional Age Program

My Place Transitional Age Program is designed to help young adults who are ready to transition from care, group housing, and/or foster care, but are not ready to live completely on their own. This program provides services to both males and females, ages 16 – 21 years old. One of the unique components of My Place is the placement of…

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Big Oak Boys’ and Girls’ Ranches

Big Oak Boys’ Ranch resides on 474 acres of sprawling farmland outside of Gadsden, Alabama. Here, boys who have experienced some of the worst life has to offer find a true home filled with love and a chance to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. At Big Oak Girls’ Ranch, situated on 325 acres just outside of Springville, Alabama, they…

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