A housing and mentoring program for young men 18-25 who are aging out of foster care and/or are struggling with housing security and have no system of support. Our focuses are education, life skills, and community engagement.
The Bridge of Faith (BOF) strives to change the generational cycle and status-quo that exists for girls who were victims of inadequate parenting and the results of the foster care experience. Each year we provide 5,196 safe nights for girls who have aged-out. We do not have an age or time limit.
Inspire offers former foster and homeless youth the opportunity to attend college or vocational school full time while living in low cost safe and stable housing. We also provide one on one mentoring, life skills classes and many other support services.
Sunshine Acres provides for the emotional, social, physical, educational and spiritual support for the young adults; enabling them to learn to manage their own affairs while maximizing the development of their potential, abilities and interests and learning to function within a community in a style that is both meaningful and purposeful to himself and the community.
A mentorship program that assists foster youth who are aging out of the foster care system transition successfully. We pair a caring adult to help guide and direct young person in the right direction as they get ready to transition out of care.
The Dream Center serves as a resource center focused on providing support to those affected by homelessness, hunger, addictions, lack of education and disaster relief through residential and community outreach programs. In efforts to provide opportunities for people to rebuild and transform their lives, the Dream Center offers the tools, education, community, and support through various programs available, all free of…
ATNI Offers the help and guidance needed to support and nurture the full growth, maturity, and successful transition of individuals ages 17 years of age up to their 22nd birthday transitioning/aging out from the NC foster care system. Providing assistance with social support, financial support, quality preparedness with life skills, and housing resources.
The Ebby House is a transitional, independent living program for young women, ages 18-24, who have experienced foster care.
This program targets males between the ages of 17 1/2 to 25 years old; with a special emphasis on males who is transitioning out of foster care. Our program helps each young man reach their potential as individuals, family leaders and community members by empowering them to empower themselves-physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County is a united Christian organization and ministry dedicated to providing love, hope, respect and a new beginning for the homeless, offering a holistic program of care that leads to true, lasting healing.