On Point for College

Since 1999, On Point has helped more than 11,000 first-generation youth to get into college, stay there, and succeed afterwards. We help students find financial aid, fill out the forms, and get the resources to survive and succeed. We drive them to colleges, visit them to help them stay on track, and go to their graduations. And since 2008, we’ve helped…

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Foster Nation

Foster Nation engages the community to support and empower foster youth aging out of the system to become self-sufficient. Our career mentors help foster youth  become even more amazing than  they already are by honing their professional skills as they prepare to become self sufficient young adults.

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Hope’s Path

Hope’s Path exists to serve young men who have aged out of foster care and homeless young men to build a sustainable life. Built on a foundational belief in Christ, we have 3 pillars we concentrate on: Financial (budgeting, investing), Career (either secondary school or trades) and Personal (Life Skills, conflict resolution, etc…).

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MyPlace is rental living space for youth 16 through 21 who are aging out of foster care or can be placed in Independent Living. Our mission is to reduce the vulnerability for exploitation by offering safe transitional housing and holistic support services to youth and young adults in the Greater Jackson area with a preference to those in vulnerable circumstances.

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Fostering Youth Independence (FYI)

At Fostering Youth Independence (FYI), we believe that education is the key to overcoming a shaky foundation and unlocking doors to a successful future. Our mission is to equip foster youth to complete post-secondary education and become successful, independent adults.

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The Home for Little Wanderers – Transitional Programs

The transition to adulthood can be difficult to navigate, especially for youth in their late teens or early 20s who have spent most of their lives in state care. The Home recognizes the unique issues that our youth “aging out” of the system face – including homelessness, unemployment, incarceration, early pregnancy and substance abuse—and offers resources and support designed to…

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Spero Family Services – Transitional Living

Transitional Living program guides youth 17 1/2 to 21 toward independence. Youth attend school or seek employment as they work toward independence and self-sufficiency. Our Life Skills Coaches teach and mentor youth in maintaining a budget, preparing meals and other general skills they need to live on their own. Life skills coaches are available to youth 24 hours a day….

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