The HOPE Program is a free work readiness training program, helping low income New Yorkers get back into the workforce through training and advancement. We offer training in the food industry, customer service, retail, clerical, animal care, maintenance and green construction. The program provides free breakfast and lunch to students and graduates, as well as free professional clothing.
Foster Alumni Mentors provides mentoring, networking, workshops, advocacy, resources, and community awareness to improve outcomes for former foster youth, including those who have been adopted, reunified, or resided in kinship care. We strive to be change agents through sharing success stories and inspiring hope.
A comprehensive three-year, family-model, residential, business, and entrepreneurial training program for at-risk youth aging out of the foster care system.
One Simple Wish uses technology to raise awareness about foster care and to spread love, hope and joy to kids by connecting them to people who care!
Roots & Wings provides young adults who age out of the foster care system in New Jersey with safe housing, educational support, counseling, and life skills in order to empower them toward self-sufficiency.
A rewarding job is within reach. Goodwill Columbus is here to help you develop a personal plan and receive the additional training you may need to get that job. Whatever you feel may stand in your way, we can help you break down the barriers, so you can live life to the fullest! Scholarships are available for those in need.
Casa Valentina’s mission is to help former foster care and homeless youth transition successfully into independent living. We provide safe, fully furnished apartments at low cost & critical life skills learning.
Our program is designed to equip and support local foster youth as they transition to independence. This program is focused on creating enduring supportive relationships with volunteers from the community that will commit to coaching and supporting foster youth during and following their transition out of foster care. Youthrive also offers financial education and a matched savings account (IDA).
We are the youth in the care of New York State. Promoting youth development, supporting adult/youth partnerships and adolescents in achieving successful outcomes. Our mission is to enhance and advance the lives of today and tomorrow’s foster youth. To do this, we pledge to educate everyone involved in the various systems Youth in Progress members represent to the realities of…
Lakeshore LifeWorks is a faith based transitional housing program for the aging out foster care and struggling youth population (18-21) in Ottawa County. Mission: “Restoring Lives by Providing Safe Homes and Grace Filled Relationships”