We provide much more than just a meal and a bed for the children who need our services. Part of the cottage lifestyle include houseparents, a group of individuals who care for the children around the clock, creating close relationships with the children and a loving and safe environment. We also support their educational and vocational aspirations, extra-curricular activities and…
The Young Adult’s Initiative Independent Living Program (YAI) is a highly individualized, apartment-based, community-oriented youth development program that works with young men and women between the ages of 16 and 21 who are referred by and transitioning from DSS foster care throughout the state of MD. YAI provides housing, support services and a safe haven that empowers and encourages these…
MHMI’s mission is to provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment for women, particularly those women who age out of foster care. It’s three phase, five year program will provide access to the life skills, job training and educational advancement necessary to embrace their future with confidence as a home owner in society.
The Blooming Flower Transitional Home organized and run by I AM VOICES, Inc. provides innovative, hands-on help with housing, life skills, job placement, transportation, social skills, financial literacy, therapy and positive contraceptive choices to girls and young women ages 18-24 who have experienced sexual violence. Our specific focus is girls aging out of the foster care system as this population…
A 151 acre campus/community where all focus is on the success of the youth and building a safety net for them in the future. AS will provide an environment for learning vocational and life skills, provide jobs, mentoring, and promote self-sufficiency.
The MyPlace programs prevent youth homelessness while helping young people to achieve their educational and employment goals. By working with case managers to build self-reliance and independence, we keep our young participants in safe and secure housing and help them develop into responsible members of the community.
We’re your downtown Fort Wayne full-service mechanic. 100% of our profits go toward helping local young adults (from about 16-24 years old) who have aged out of foster care. We take a wholistic approach, addressing their emotional, mental and spiritual needs. But we also care for the physical and the practical, too—like setting them up with housing and skills training…
The mission of Know Before You Go is to empower youth to become their own advocates, armed with the knowledge and information they need to succeed in work, school and life. Know Before You Go breaks down complicated issues and helps youth tackle the barriers they face. This is a website dedicated to share information that will be helpful for…
Since 2009, Kids In The Spotlight (KITS) has created over 75 films with more than 500 youth from foster care, where they are given full agency to tell their stories, their way, by writing, casting & starring in their own short films. Each year culminates in our annual KITS Awards, celebrating their films and accomplishments in our version of the Academy Awards or…
Family Harvest Farm employs transition-age foster youth in a hands-on job-readiness program, teaching marketable skills and preparing them for life outside the foster care system. Volunteers work alongside our apprentices in an outdoor and collaborative setting. In addition to growing organic produce, the farm hosts educational workshops for the greater community.