Foundation 2, a nonprofit human services agency based in Cedar Rapids, is one of nine agencies in the state subcontracted to support youth involved in the Iowa Aftercare Services Network. While the program is provided through all 99 counties in the State of Iowa, Foundation 2 is responsible for providing this service in Linn, Jones and Benton counties.
Next Generation’s mission is to identify and attract young people who are in or aging out of foster care, or who have been arrested or homeless. The Next Generation staff takes a case management approach with every person who walks through the door with the intent of helping them define and achieve their goals.
Established in 1977, the Youth Attention Center (YAC) is a non-profit agency that assists homeless, runaway, and youth who are at risk between the ages of 12-21 in Mecosta, Osceola and Newaygo Counties.
Up until the 21st birthday, we can offer our services that include Outreach and Transition to Adulthood (TAP/TLP) Programs. This program utilizes a host home model in providing housing. Youth are placed in host homes where mentoring and support are provided by a caring adult. Our current coverage area includes Mason, Manistee, Lake, Oceana, Wexford & Missaukee counties in the…
EDSI (Educational Data Systems, Inc.) is a national workforce development, talent solutions and consulting company with a passion for helping people and companies in transition. EDSI works with regions, employers and jobseekers to overcome their most challenging obstacles.
Promise House moves youth in crisis toward safety and success! Our programs cover the vital needs of teens, including emergency shelter, transitional living, pregnant and parenting teen services, individual, group and family counseling, street outreach and educational intervention.
Anchor House Shelter was founded in 1978 to move homeless and runaway youth off the streets of Trenton and reunite them with their family. Today, Anchor House Inc. provides shelter, school outreach, transitional and supportive housing, and street outreach to youth, ages 12 to 21 years of age, from Mercer County and throughout the state of New Jersey.
The HAY Center, a program of Harris County Protective Services for Children and Adults, a public/private partnership, provides much needed services to foster youth transitioning to adulthood in our community. Our employment, education, housing, mental health and life skills programs empower current and former foster youth to be successful productive adults.
Journey House provides services exclusively to former foster youth in; Housing, Education, Employment, and Independent Living Counseling. Journey House is not a residential program, however, most youth continue as program participants because of the support and guidance that they receive as they transition out of foster care and beyond.
Temple University’s Employment Connections for Opportunity Youth (ECOY) Program will serve 17-21 year old youth who have aged or are currently aging out of Foster Care. ECOY provides a comprehensive approach to college and career connectedness that include opportunities to exploration career options and exposure to career/college pathways.