Today, CYDC provides programs reaching over 1,200 children, youth and their families locally each year. We care for young people who are victims of physical and sexual abuse, neglect and abandonment, as well as providing resources and support to area families at risk of having their children removed from their home.
PAL is geared towards assisting youth in transition to adulthood with life skills training and must be obtaining higher education and employment. Housing is provided.
Each year, Just in Time for Foster Youth mobilizes a caring community to help over 850 transition age youth (18-26) with resources and relationships to become capable, confident and connected. We meet emergency needs, fill gaps in knowledge and experience, enhance job skills, and build confidence, resilience and well-being through connections to over 600 volunteers and former foster youth staff.
Pivot, Inc. is a nonprofit community organization that advocates, educates, intervenes and counsels youth and families to make a positive difference in their lives. What we do: Meet housing & basic needs, provide education & job assistance, prevention & intervention, and therapeutic care.
River Jordan Inc focuses on helping transition age foster youth become responsible and productive members of society through our Community Transitional housing program, Pre-Aging Out Foster Care Recovery Coaching, which also includes life skill training, and the best practice Fostering Success training model. (See also Foster Care Recovery Network in the AOI database.)
The People Concern believes no one should have to live on the street or in a violent household. Our staff, volunteers and those we serve work together to address the effects of homelessness, poverty, mental and physical illness, abuse and addiction.
Eddy House is the central intake and assessment facility in Northern Nevada. The objective of the Eddy House is to end youth homelessness in Reno, Nevada. To accomplish this, we identify homeless, at-risk, and aged-out foster youth through extensive outreach in Downtown Reno.
The Door provides a wide range of services to meet the needs of New York City youth aged 12-24. See below for a list of program categories, as well as some quick links to all of the programs & services we offer.
Aunt Leah’s Place helps prevent children in foster care from becoming homeless and mothers in need from losing custody of their children. To support them on their journey to self-sufficiency, we provide supported housing, job training, and coaching on essential life skills.