National Youth in Transition Database

NYTD is a national effort to obtain youth input and provide it to policy makers by sharing basic information about the services received while in care. We follow groups of foster youth from the time they turn 17 until they are 21 to see what services they use or need and how we can make the transition to independence easier. 

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The LIFEBOOK is a time-tested, results-producing workbook designed to successfully guide Transitional Age Youth (14-24) to self-sufficient, independent living.  Developed by The Family Care Network.

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Flux Book & Training – Life after Foster Care

Published by Foster Care Alumni of America, Flux is a paperback book and training that explores the emotional journey from foster care to adulthood. Flux provides context to the emotions, challenges and opportunities in a very complicated transition. While it won’t make the process easy, it will help make some sense out of the journey.

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