AOI is excited to announce this year’s winners!
Our panel of peer judges selected several excellent organizations/programs to be recognized. Congratulations to all the award winners below!
(Look for podcasts coming out in early 2023 about these award winning programs.)
Small Organization/Program Winners
This category recognizes organizations or programs that have 1-10 full and part-time employees. The judges for this category have selected four organizations/programs that have outstanding services that deserve recognition this year. Read about the winners below. (Click the logo to go to the winner’s website.)

The mission of Hand2Paw is to provide a safe and supportive work environment for youth, ages 16-24, who are experiencing housing insecurity or in foster care, as a means of building resilience, compassion, and connection with people, animals and the community. Hand2Paw provides paid internships working with homeless animals and a curriculum that enhances coping skills, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, job preparedness and healing using animal assisted interventions. Youth also run pet pantries and participate in community events to increase community access to resources as they develop collaborative leadership skills. Hand2Paw addresses opportunity gaps in employment and postsecondary success for our young people, the majority of whom have experienced violence, significant trauma, and have a mental health diagnosis or disability. Hand2Paw is the only nonprofit in Philadelphia whose mission is to teach youth practical work skills in a trauma-informed, animal welfare setting. (Philadelphia, PA)
$40,000 prize
“Hand2Paw is thrilled to be honored as a 2022 AOI Small Organization Award recipient! This grant will have a huge impact on our employment programming for youth who are aging out of foster care in Philadelphia, PA. We are proud to join this national community of organizations dedicated to the safety and success of young people as they age out of foster care. Thank you AOI!”
~Penny Ellison, Executive Director
Foster Progress empowers Illinois youth currently or formerly in foster care to attain a college degree and transition into adulthood successfully by providing mentorship, advocacy, and educational opportunity. Foster Progress’s Mentoring & Scholarship Program matches youth who have experienced foster care with a one-on-one, college educated, highly trained mentor. Mentors and youth meet once a week in their communities and come together quarterly for group sessions with the other youth and mentors. Mentors help youth finish high school strong, find a good fit for their higher education goals, complete applications, and line up financial aid. They also ensure youth transition successfully into college, continuing their official relationship through the youths’ freshman year. Mentors connect with students’ educational and foster care support systems, working with teachers, counselors, case workers, and college staff to ensure that youth have a web of support around them. (Chicago, IL)
$40,000 prize
“We are thrilled to be recognized by the Aging Out Institute and their judges as a Small Organization Winner. This award helps Foster Progress continue to provide high quality, in-depth support for young people who need and deserve it! We are honored to be recognized for our work by our peers in this field.”
~Kate Kelly, Operations Manager
Fostering Youth Independence equips foster youth to complete a post-secondary education and become successful, independent adults. Without the support of a dedicated and knowledgeable adult, the complexity of college and financial aid applications can be overwhelming. FYI gives each foster youth in their program a caring adult volunteer “Ally” to provide support, guidance and assistance with obtaining the resources they need. The Ally establishes a relationship with the youth to better understand his or her needs and goals and becomes a consistent person to rely upon. Although educational goals are at the top of the list, students cannot achieve their educational goals when other aspects of their lives are neglected. FYI helps youth secure safe housing and encourages them to set and achieve goals for employment, transportation, finances, and physical, dental and emotional health. (Santa Clarita, CA)
$40,000 prize
“FYI is thrilled to have been chosen for an AOI award! The $40,000 prize will make a huge impact by increasing our capacity to serve youth. It is an honor to be recognized by a nationwide organization for our strategies to equip foster youth to become successful, independent adults. We are proud to have been selected by peer judges and look forward to collaborating with other AOI organizations to improve outcomes for youth aging out of foster care.”
~Carolyn Olsen, Executive Director/Co-Founder
The Hope Center at Pullen is building a community where a person’s history in foster care does not limit their future. It is empowering emerging adults transitioning out of foster care in Wake County with the support and connections needed for a safe and stable adulthood. Their work begins in their Teen Programs where they build relationships through tutoring, mentoring, internships, and life skills programs. Any teen who was in foster care over the age of 13, who is either living in Wake County or in foster care through Wake County, is eligible to participate in our Teen Programs. Their work continues when many of these same youth enter the Transition Program, which helps former foster youth achieve & maintain safe, stable housing and guides participants as they work towards their self-sufficiency goals. The Transition Program serves former foster youth in Wake County ages 18-24 (27, if they are parenting), and children (ages 0-8) of their participants also receive services. (Raleigh, NC)
$40,000 prize
“Thank you, Aging Out Institute! We are honored to be receiving the Flame Award. We look forward to collaborating with everyone in this community to share information and establish best practices that will improve the much needed services available to youth transitioning out of foster care all over the country.”
~Meredith Yuckman, Executive Director
The R.J. Leonard Foundation educates, initiates careers and personally mentors young adults who are aging out of the foster care system. Relationships are at the core of the R.J. Leonard Foundation. Fellows are matched with an individual Mentor with whom they build a close relationship. However, it is hoped that Fellows will also find support from Foundation staff, Board Members and community partners, as the R.J. Leonard Foundation recognizes the value not just of an individual person but of a network of social capital. Through Mentorship, available career counseling and as needed financial assistance, Fellows are able to aim for an employment future they may not otherwise envision. The R.J. Leonard Foundation works to help Fellows achieve their educational goals, as well, whether that be completing high school, achieving a certification or earning a college degree. (Doylestown, PA)
$40,000 prize
“We are honored to be recognized by the Aging Out Institute and to be in the company of such amazing and inspiring organizations. We hope to continue helping young adults aging out of foster care identify and achieve their dreams.”
~Joelle Pitts, Executive Director
Mid-Size/Large Org/Program Winners
This category recognizes organizations or programs that have 11 or more full and part-time employees. The judges for this category have selected three organizations/programs that have outstanding services that deserve recognition this year. Read about the winners below. (Click the logo to go to the winner’s website.)

Pivotal supports young people in and from foster care to realize their educational and career goals and ensure their equitable access to opportunity. Their High School and Post-Secondary Coaching Programs support foster youth in their education and help them earn high school and post-secondary degrees. They provide youth with trauma-informed, one-on-one coaching to encourage strong academic performance, develop and follow up on an academic plan, and prepare for the future. In college, they match post-secondary students with campus-based coaches who help them navigate the college experience, succeed academically, and gain professional experience and development. All Pivotal’s programs and activities are designed to help students build general life skills as they progress in school and in life. They connect students with key resources in the community to break down the barriers they may be facing in life that prevent them from focusing on academics. Post-secondary students have access to the Summer Internship & Professional Badging Program, which teaches the career readiness and financial literacy skills they need to become self-sufficient and thrive in life. (San Jose, CA)
$50,000 prize
“We are thrilled to receive this award from the Aging Out Institute in support of our work to better the lives of young people in and from foster care. It’s particularly meaningful to be recognized by our peers in this field and we are grateful to be considered among the incredible organizations who are doing such amazing work in support of foster youth.”
~Elise Cutini, CEO
Immerse Arkansas helps youth from crisis transform into overcomers. Founded in response to the harsh realities faced by youth aging out of foster care, Immerse provides a continuum of youth programming, including a youth drop-in center, the OC Youth Center, and a transitional program, LifeBASE. These programs support youth ages 14-24, including youth in or aging out of foster care, youth who have been adopted, and other youth have faced similar challenges, such as homeless and runaway youth, and youth who have experienced trafficking or other forms of abuse. Immerse’s transitional program, LifeBASE, offers intensive support for youth in or aging out of foster care. LifeBASE provides supportive, stable housing and individualized coaching for youth as they transition into adulthood. Youth in LifeBASE Young Adult and LifeBASE Care (the LifeBASE program for pregnant or parenting youth and their children) live in Immerse group homes and apartments, with resident assistants living on-site or in a nearby apartment for additional support. (Little Rock, AR)
$50,000 prize
“We are honored to receive this award. This is important work, and we are thrilled to be a part of this incredible community!”
~ Eric Gilmore, Founder and Executive Director
I Pour Life’s mission is to assist at-risk or foster care youth, helping them identify and apply their unique strengths in order to experience a successful, self-sufficient transition into adulthood. I Pour Life’s positive youth development program’s target population is older youth ages 16-24 who are in the care of the Missouri Department of Social Services, Children’s Division and at-risk of aging out of care. Every youth who comes into the program will be offered the opportunity to participate in I Pour Life’s LifeStrengths positive youth development program. LifeStrengths uses a specialized method of one-on-one life coaching – with a focus on building social capital – to address challenges associated with the consequences of child abuse and neglect, emotional harm, frequent transitions, social isolation, and government dependence. LifeStrengths is a voluntary program that pairs a youth one-on-one with a certified LifeCoach who helps them shed negative labels, build positive relationships, and set future-focused goals. (Springfield, MO)
$50,000 prize
“I Pour Life is honored to be named by the Aging Out Institute as a finalist for the Mid-Size/Large Organization Award. These results are due to the tireless efforts of I Pour Life’s leaders over the years and, especially, to the LifeCoaches who show up day after day to pour into the lives of the youth we serve.”
~Ben McBride, Executive Director
Youth Impact Winner
This category recognizes organizations or programs (any size) that have an effective process for measuring and tracking the impact of their services on the youth they serve, as well as the demonstration of actual positive impact on their youth over time. The judges for this category have selected one organization that has outstanding strategies for measuring the impact that their services have on their youth that deserve recognition this year. Read about the winner below. (Click the logo to go to the winner’s website.)

I Pour Life’s mission is to assist at-risk or foster care youth, helping them identify and apply their unique strengths in order to experience a successful, self-sufficient transition into adulthood. I Pour Life’s positive youth development program’s target population is older youth ages 16-24 who are in the care of the Missouri Department of Social Services, Children’s Division and at-risk of aging out of care. Every youth who comes into the program will be offered the opportunity to participate in I Pour Life’s LifeStrengths positive youth development program. LifeStrengths uses a specialized method of one-on-one life coaching – with a focus on building social capital – to address challenges associated with the consequences of child abuse and neglect, emotional harm, frequent transitions, social isolation, and government dependence. LifeStrengths is a voluntary program that pairs a youth one-on-one with a certified LifeCoach who helps them shed negative labels, build positive relationships, and set goals. (Springfield, MO)
$90,000 prize
“I Pour Life is honored and incredibly grateful for the recognition of being named the winner of the Youth Impact Award by the Aging Out Institute. Such an honor is due to the dedication of its LifeStrengths team. I Pour Life congratulates its LifeCoaches who show up day after day to pour into the lives of the youth we serve and to the youth themselves for never giving up on their dreams.”
~Ben McBride, Executive Director